After about 3 months of in-depth psychological study and observation, I have developed a summary of the modern Human psyche and I find that we are still very mentally primitive. Us humans have a consciousness that has allowed us a well developed ingenuity. With this ingenuity we have become the dominating species of mammal on the planet. But our brains are still highly based on impulse.
Impulse drives many organisms to complete tasks and other forms of homeostasis in order to survive. In us humans, impulses are just as abundant. I'll give you a couple examples. When a young man is sitting down minding his business, he notices a good-looking young lady walk by. He instantly feels all kinds of emotions and he has the urge to follow her. We need the biological need to reproduce so the species can continue.
Obvious impulse in reproduction.
A man is walking along headed to his home when he feels a rumble in his stomach. He then knows that he is hungry and seeks for something to eat. He sees a billboard with a picture of juicy rare steak and feels a rush to go to that particular restaurant. We feel a need to satisfy hunger and stay alive but it's all through impulse.
Obvious impulse in nutrition.
In the oldest part of our brains, (the center part) man has developed a cortex in which his actions can be directed by this neural function. This is all quite amazing too me. That we have the ability to differ ourselves from the rest of life and we still behave like the creatures around us! Brilliant discovery.
Human impulses are primitive in the sense that they have not evolutionized throughout the years. We are animals (everyone always forgets this) and desires to reproduce and eat will very unlikely cease to exist because of this.
We are mentally primitive in the sense that we maintained our basic instincts and bodily functions for survival because they are still relevant today. You label humans as psychologically primitive as a whole just by looking at one part. We are actually pretty evolutionized in the Cerebrum part of our brains, the part that matters most.
You also try to write too intelligently, it comes across as bullshit, seriously. Props for your deep thinking though.
I consider this primitive because of what we might think a non-primitive being would be. A non-primitive being could control all of their habits formed by routine impulses. Figuratively speaking, an advanced being could get addicted to drugs and then stop whenever they cared to.
I try to write intelligently because of all the grammar Nazis on NG, If you know what I'm saying.